Assessment Centres

Picture14In a recent CIPD recruitment survey, just over one third of employers surveyed had used Assessment Centres as a method to select applicants.  One of the strengths of Assessment Centres is that they allow a broader range of selection methods to be used in the recruitment process, thus improving the chances of selecting the best fit for the role.

When you need the rigour of an Assessment Centre, we can design and build them for you, or with you, according to your specifications and in line with professional best practice. This might involve:

– Developing a competency framework and assessment criteria
– Selecting ‘off the shelf’ exercises or customising exercises to meet your needs
– Providing psychometric testing
– Planning and coordinating the Assessment Centre and providing administrative support
– Selecting and training in-house Assessors
– Where there is a high volume selection need provide a team of experienced assessors to work alongside you.
– Running integration sessions to facilitate objective selection decisions
– Producing candidate reports and giving feedback

We have access to a wide range of assessment tools, including:

  • Personality Assessments
  • Ability Tests, such as numerical and verbal reasoning
  • Exercises in abilities, such as problem solving, managerial judgement and idea generation
  • Analysis Presentation exercises to assess competencies, such as problem solving and analysis, creativity, strategic/commercial awareness, oral communication and persuasiveness
  • In Tray exercises to assess competencies, such as planning and organising, problem solving and analysis, strategic/commercial awareness, written communication and action orientation
  • Fact Finding exercises to assess competencies, such as problem solving and analysis, oral communication and planning and organising
  • Individual or Group Role Play exercises to assess competencies, such as leadership, persuasiveness, interpersonal sensitivity and oral communication

Contact us for a complimentary discussion on how Assessment Centres could be used in your organisation.